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Monday, May 18, 2020

Monster Maker

There has been some considerable excitement in these parts surrounding the use of GiffyGlyph's Monster Maker.  This post is a pointer to it and a few supporting notes.

Home Page for the tool: giffyglyph.com/monstermaker/

The system the author is introducing substitues Monster Points for D&D 5E's rather bastardized CR ratings for building challenging encounters. It also provides an easy to use custom moneter building UI that crafts useful monster cards.

Overall this seems like amazing stuff.  Something that I look forward to using. So much so I have added a link for the app to the side bar in the DM section.

The Grimore 

The section of the website labeled as the Grimore is a set of pages that describe the system and provide examples with some overall structure.  This seems like the place to start in understanding what is offered here. Reading from the Introduction through the Building an Encounter seems like a good starting point and not all that many pages.


There is a giant PDF, quite pretty, and very long.  It seems to be the same information from the Grimore just in a flat PDF form.   Probably better for offline reading, but lacking the links, harder to use when online.

The App

This is the heart of the system, a web based system that makes it all work.  It is where critters are defined and seems drop dead easy to use, after getting past the many customization options.  I've not used it, yet, but it seems well worth a look. 

The cards once created offer a Download as PNG button.  This downloads a file which is pretty much perfect for tossing onto a notecard text file and printing.  This exactly fits my "workflow" for creating creatures to be used face to face.

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