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Sunday, March 9, 2025

D&D 5R: Grappling What Are The Rules Anyway?

 Grappling, in my experience, has long been a mess as far as the rules go.  It's just been hard to remeber the rules and to use them at appropriate times.  Often it is easier to just swing a weapon at a target rather than use the sometimes amazing grappling technique.

In D&D 5E 2014 (known as 5E to me), there was an opposed challenge to start a grapple which repeated.  No big deal other than having to figure out what ability each particpant was using make a pair of rolls add mods and compare.  Well that's all changed in D&D 5R 2014 (known as 5R herein).

I've snagged the rule snippets into this post in the following section.  While they are clear, they leave me a bit wanting in terms of actually using them.  I think the best way for me to wrap my head around grappling is to break the process into three steps:

  1. Initiate Grapple
  2. Utilize Grapple
  3. Terminate Grapple  
I'll dive into each of those below.

Initiate Grapple

A grapple is started by an unarmed attack that choses grapple as its effect -or- by monster special abilities which I am not going to go into here.  

The Unarmed Attack - Grapple does NOT roll an attack. Instead it forces the target to make a STR or DEX Save (target's choice) to avoid the grapple.  If the target fails the save, it is grappled.  (No opposed rolls.) The Grapple DC is 8 plus STR bonus plus Proficiency Bonus of the initiator. 

There is also a size rider, teh target can be no larger than one size bigger than the initiator.  Also, the initiator must have at least one free hand

Utilize Grapple

While the grapple is in effect:
  • Target has disadvantage on attacks against targets other than the initiator.  
  • Target may be moved with initiator
  • Every foot moved costs two feet of movement unless target is Tiny or two+ sizes smaller than the initator in which case movement is normal.

Terminate Grapple

The grapple ends if the initiator becomes Incapacitated or if the distance between the target and the initiator exceeds the grapple’s range. The distance clause can be triggered by forced movement inflicted on the initiator.

The target may use its action to make a STR (Athletics) or DEX (Acrobatics) check against the GRAPPLE DC to end the condition. Please note the lack of an opposed check. 


That's it, seems more streamlined than the 5E rules.  Hopefully I can remember them!

Rules Snippets

The rules for grappling are all tucked into the 5R Glossary Rules Definitions.  


A creature can grapple another creature. Characters typically grapple by using an Unarmed Strike. Many monsters have special attacks that allow them to quickly grapple prey. However a grapple is initiated, it follows these rules. See also“Unarmed Strike” and “Grappled.”

Grappled Condition. Successfully grappling a creature gives it the Grappled condition.

One Grapple per Hand. A creature must have a hand free to grapple another creature. Some stat blocks and game effects allow a creature to grapple using a tentacle, a maw, or another body part. Whatever part a grappler uses, it can grapple only one creature at a time with that part, and the grappler can’t use that part to target another creature unless it ends the grapple.

Escaping a Grapple. A Grappled creature can use its action to make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against the grapple’s escape DC, ending the condition on itself on a success. The condition also ends if the grappler has the Incapacitated condition or if the distance between the Grappled target and the grappler exceeds the grapple’s range.

Grappled [Condition]

While you have the Grappled condition, you experience the following effects.

Speed 0. Your Speed is 0 and can’t increase.

Attacks Affected. You have Disadvantage on attack rolls against any target other than the grappler.

Movable. The grappler can drag or carry you when it moves, but every foot of movement costs it 1 extra foot unless you are Tiny or two or more sizes smaller than it. 

Unarmed Strike

Instead of using a weapon to make a melee attack, you can use a punch, kick, head-butt, or similar forceful blow. In game terms, this is an Unarmed Strike—a melee attack that involves you using your body to damage, grapple, or shove a target within 5 feet of you.

Whenever you use your Unarmed Strike, choose one of the following options for its effect.

Damage. You make an attack roll against the target. Your bonus to the roll equals your Strength modifier plus your Proficiency Bonus. On a hit, the target takes Bludgeoning damage equal to 1 plus your Strength modifier.

Grapple. The target must succeed on a Strength or Dexterity saving throw (it chooses which), or it has the Grappled condition. The DC for the saving throw and any escape attempts equals 8 plus your Strength modifier and Proficiency Bonus. This grapple is possible only if the target is no more than one size larger than you and if you have a hand free to grab it.

Shove. The target must succeed on a Strength or Dexterity saving throw (it chooses which), or you either push it 5 feet away or cause it to have the Prone condition. The DC for the saving throw equals 8 plus your Strength modifier and Proficiency Bonus. This shove is possible only if the target is no more than one size larger than you. 

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