Spolier Alert

WARNING: Posts addressing individual campaigns contain spoilers, including: Lost Mine of Phandelver, Horde of the Dragon Queen, The Rise of Tiamat, Yawning Portal, Princes of the Apocalypse, and home-brew content.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Making Tools Useful - Herbalism Kit

One of my players recently pointed me at a series of posts on Dump Stat Adventures that focuses on fleshing out what some of the various tools do in D&D 5E.

The post of immediate interest defines the Herbalism Kit and some associated recipes.

This set of homebrew rules replaces Xanthatar's Guide to Everything in regards to crafting herbal "potions."  Some key elements:
  1. One hour to gather materials to craft a potion,
  2. Materials must be gathered in an appropriate environment,
  3. Potions decrease in power every 24 hours, lasting at most 3 days,
  4. Crafters start with three recipes and can acquire more, 
  5. A total of 14 recipes are defined, some are minor healing type things, others poisons.
Since I have an aspiring herbalist, I am going to give these rules a try.

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