Spolier Alert

WARNING: Posts addressing individual campaigns contain spoilers, including: Lost Mine of Phandelver, Horde of the Dragon Queen, The Rise of Tiamat, Yawning Portal, Princes of the Apocalypse, and home-brew content.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Impressions: First Roll20 Session as a DM

The Corona Crisis has forced my normal Face-to-Face (F2F) D&D game to either go into hiatus (never a good thing for a long running campaign) or to go online.  We've opted to try online play using Roll20 as our software engine as at least one of our players has fairly deep experience with it as a player and a deep programming background making macros and such an accessible option.

I'm writing this article the morning after my first session.  My intent is to summarize the bumps and some potential actions to smooth out the game moving forward.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Campaign Cartographer Battle Map Creation

Recently I wrote an article about how to start a battlemap in CC3 and upload it into Roll20.  I omitted all of the details about how to create said map.   This article will discuss some of teh challenges I have faced and what I did about them.  Perhaps most importantly, it will have links to other pages that give nitty gritty advice.

Making Maps & Roll20

With the current Corna Virus Panic, we've choosen to cancel regular face to face games.  That has driven a desire to play online with roll20.com seemingly our tool of choice. It's not the same, but it is simialr, even better than F2F in some regards.  It does have a learning curve and for a GM drives a critical need to have VTT maps for every encounter.  This article is going to serve as a repository for things that I learn and links to resources.