Spolier Alert

WARNING: Posts addressing individual campaigns contain spoilers, including: Lost Mine of Phandelver, Horde of the Dragon Queen, The Rise of Tiamat, Yawning Portal, Princes of the Apocalypse, and home-brew content.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

D&D 5R: Drawing & Stowing Weapons -- Dueling and Two Weapon Fighting Simultaneously?

In an earlier post, Four Attacks per Turn at Level 5. Yes! Really?, I looked at the hash that the 5R rules created with two weapon fighting.  This is a related, but much simpler topic: How does drawing and stowing weapons work and can a character benefit from dueling feat (use only one weapon) and Duel Wielder / Two-Weapon Fighting Style in the same round?

I'll gather the rules snippets that apply and link a relevant video but first, I'll get to the conclusion and an example. 

TLDR: Each attack can be accompanied by stowing -or- drawing a weapon (two with two weapon fighting feat) before -or- after the actual attack. It is possible (and bizarre) for a character to benefit from who has the Duel Wielder / Two-Weapon Fighting Style and the Dueling feat in the same combat round.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Four Attacks per Turn at Level 5. Yes! Really?

 It appears that Wizards has managed to make a real hash out of two weapon fighting in the 2024 rules.  I'll link some relevant videos that discuss the issues, gather the rules snippets that apply and give my understanding of what they mean, especially (and likely only) to my table below. 

TLDR: It seems possible for a character who has the Dual Wielder Feat and is using light weapons to attack twice with what used to be referred to as an off-hand weapon.